The fair showcased a variety of products, services, techniques and information related to the fields of cosmetics, aesthetics, nail, hair and beauty equipment for salons as well as healing, dieting and health. Gathering a record-breaking 76,702 visitors, an increase of 3,668 compared to the previous edition, the show was again billed as the must-attend platform in the beauty industry in Japan and the rest of Asia this year.[2]

The ‘Platinum Hall’ (hall 7) served as a premier platform for beauty equipment and cosmetic manufacturers, as well as overseas exhibitors and international pavilions. It was exclusively dedicated to exhibitors that target orders instead of direct sales. Ms. Misa Kurashina, Brand Manager of BIOLAB Co Ltd, a long-established natural cosmetics producer, commented: “We have been selling our products directly to salons, but in order to further develop our business, we decided to make our debut at Beautyworld Japan, which has the highest reputation in theindustry. We met so many owners of not only aesthetic salons, hair salons and nail salons, but also compound salons and acupuncture salons throughout the three days. We are happy with the results and looking forward to coming back next year.”
Another satisfied comment also proved the success of the hall. Mr. Toru Ogiso, Chief of Life Solution Sales Dept. of Tanita Corp, one of the leading healthcare equipment manufacturers, said: “We came back to the fair after several years interval, as we agreed with the concept of the hall which started at the last fair. We are glad that our choice was right. Most of the visitors were decision makers for purchasing, and we held good talks with them.”
‘Creative HAIR’ (hall 8) gathered extensive hair products and techniques for beauticians to gain ideas for their new services, following the success of the last edition. Mr. Kazunori Ando, Owner of debut company Ando Show-Ten, said: “We produce scissors and denim scissors cases for beauticians. The result was far beyond our expectations. We are so satisfied that we met so many salon owners, beauticians and distributors in the industry. Buyers who visited our booth were not only from all over Japan but also from China, Korea and Germany. We are looking forward to following up with them.”
In halls 4, 5 and 6, various beauty products and services for aesthetic, hair dressing and nail salons, hotels & spas, leisure facilities and retail distributions were displayed within nine product zones: ‘Cosmetics’, ‘Spa & Wellness’, ‘Business Support’, ‘Eyelash’, ‘Diet & Health’, ‘Academic’, ‘Retail’, ‘Natural & Organic’ and ‘Beauty Supplements’.
Diversified fringe programmes also attracted many visitors eager to absorb latest information and techniques
At the ‘Hair stage’ installed in the ‘‘Creative HAIR’, industry experts shared their knowledge and techniques through seminars and demonstrations. What was notable and attracted many visitors amongst the programmes was the ‘Barberella in Japan’ which was held on the first day of the show. This hair-cutting contest by female barbers started last year in the USA, and was held in Japan for the first time at this year’s Beautyworld Japan.
Popular ‘Main stage seminar’ located in the ‘Platinum Hall’ was held throughout the course of the show. Each seminar covered a broad range of topics from demonstrations of the latest techniques to management know-how for salon owners.
The ‘Tokyo Nail Forum’ took place at hall 3 and covered the latest products, introducing top-class nail art techniques through a wide range of stage events and demonstrations.
Moreower, premium seminars for aesthetic salon owners were held for a designated number of attendees. All sessions were full of participants eager to absorb information on the latest techniques and practical knowledge in a more concentrated environment. Other informative events such as exhibitor presentations, business seminars and association seminars on various themes were all popular throughout the three days.
The next Beautyworld Japan will be held from 13 – 15 (Mon – Wed) May 2019 at Tokyo Big Sight West Halls 1 – 4 and Atrium. For details, please visit the official website:
Other beauty-related shows by Messe Frankfurt include:
- Beautyworld Saudi Arabia
14 – 16 October 2018, Jeddah Center for Forums and Events, Saudi Arabia - Beautyworld Japan West
15 – 17 October 2018, INTEX Osaka, Japan - Beautyworld Japan Fukuoka
4 – 5 February 2019, Fukuoka Kokusai Centre, Japan - Beautyworld Middle East
15 – 17 May 2019, Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre, UAE
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[1] 2017: 624 exhibitors from 16 countries and regions
[2] 2017: 73,034 visitors from 41 countries and regions
Background information on Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. With more than 2,500* employees at some 30 locations, the company generates annual sales of around €661* million. Thanks to its far-reaching ties with the relevant sectors and to its international sales network, the Group looks after the business interests of its customers effectively. A comprehensive range of services – both onsite and online – ensures that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility when planning, organising and running their events. The wide range of services includes renting exhibition grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services. With its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, the company is owned by the City of Frankfurt (60 percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent). * preliminary numbers 2017
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