Venue:Presentation room B
The information below is of 2020, and to be updated to 2021 in April 2021.
20 April
15:50−16:40 Japan beauty’s outbound strategies
Speaker: Mr. Junji Asai
- Yano Research Institute Ltd.
17:10−18:00 Open seminar covering know-how to advance overseas - How to succeed in beauty markets mainly in China and Asia!
Speaker: Mr.Takehiko Yamamoto
- Association of International Business Advisers
21 April
15:50−16:40 Strategies to pass Esthetician center examinations ~Paper exam / Technical skills exam.
Speaker: Ms.Naoko Kobayashi
Speaker: Ms.Yoko Ito
- Japan Esthetic Examination Center
Presented by: Japan Esthetic Examination Center
17:10−18:00 Current situation and measures to advertising regulation regarding beauty industry
Speaker:Mr.Sei Shinkai
- Marunouchi Soleil Law Office
22 April
10:30−11:20 Rediscover your potential career abilities through individual psychology! Take on fresh challenges through your new self!
Speaker: Ms. Masami Ikoma
Speaker: Ms.Makiko Hirano
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